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Laser Marking & Engraving

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Laser Microwelding

Key Terms in Laser Processing

Confused by the jargon in the world of laser processing? Read on to get up to speed on the basics.

November 20, 2023

Navigating the terminology used in laser processing can be overwhelming. But don't worry, we've got you covered with this comprehensive glossary. From wavelengths to pulse frequencies, you'll be up to speed in no time.

The Basics

  1. Laser Marking: The process of creating permanent marks on a material using a laser beam. Laser marking can be used to label parts with serial numbers, logos, or other identifying information.
  2. Laser Engraving: This is the process of removing material from a surface to create a design or pattern. Engraving can be used to personalize objects, create intricate designs, or to mark practical information such as serial numbers and barcodes for traceability.
  3. Laser Cutting: This refers to the use of a laser beam to precisely cut metal or other materials. Laser cutting can be used to produce small metal parts with high precision and accuracy.